While your dog is being trained, it’s important to understand your role in the dog training process. Just like your furry loved one is learning new commands, you need to learn how to properly issue those commands and how to issue a correction when your dog refuses to listen.
Without corrections your dog will likely forget its training.
We train + you correct. While our dog trainers are working with your dog, they’ll listen because the training is fresh in their mind. However, your dog is a genius. They know what they can and cannot get away with. If they catch you not issuing corrections when they fail to obey you, they will make the connection, and then getting them to obey you will be difficult.

What is a correction?
A correction is a “positive punishment”. Correcting your dog can be verbal or physical. However, at no point should a physical correction be abusive. Corrections are meant to show displeasure with a dog’s current action so they understand what they just did is wrong.
A verbal correction can be very effective for most dogs. They will pick up on the tone of your voice, and they will likely show signs they understand you are not happy with them.
Correction examples:
- Telling them “no.” firmly
- Proper leash corrections
- Using appropriate reinforcements
After your training sessions, our trainers will help teach you appropriate corrections for your dog.
3 rules to follow when issuing a correction to your dog
Persistence in issuing corrections when needed can result in a well-behaved, well-adjusted dog. The goal is a dog who is not only obedient but also trusts and understands the boundaries you’ve set together.
– Timing is key
The effectiveness of a correction depends largely on timing. Issuing a correction at the time your dog is misbehaving helps them make an immediate connection between their current action and your correction, which shows displeasure for what they are currently doing. Delaying your correction or issuing a correction after time has elapsed can and will likely confuse your dog. This will make it harder for them to understand what they’re doing wrong.
– Consistency matters
When issuing corrections, be consistent. Being consistent with corrections helps ensure your dog doesn’t receive mixed signals. If jumping on the bed is off-limits, it’s important to correct this behavior every time it happens, not just when it’s inconvenient for you.
– Appropriate intensity
The intensity of your correction should be just enough to get your dog’s attention and redirect their behavior — not to scare or harm them. The goal is to teach, not to intimidate.
Reinforcing newly learned behaviors after training
Corrections shouldn’t stop when formal training sessions end. Dogs, especially in the early stages of training, can easily revert to old habits. Continuing to reinforce the training with corrections when necessary helps solidify their new behaviors. This will help reinforce the skills they learned while giving you confidence in their training and help you learn to issue commands to them properly.
Our dog trainers are here to help!
The goal of dog training is to help your dog be obedient. To ensure their training sticks, you need to issue corrections during and after their training.
If you have any questions, you can contact our office.